Zoosk: The Best Pansexual Dating Site and App

Zoosk is a fun and safe dating site trusted by more than 40 million singles worldwide.

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Zoosk is one of the most well-known dating sites in the US, recognized by thousands of members as a trusted way to meet real people. Our site and dating app puts the excitement back into meeting singles online. It’s pretty clever too; behavioral matchmaking and neat personalization features make searching for other singles easy, fun and safe. Why not find out what we’re all about and give us a go today!

At Zoosk, we believe love is love. All of our members are adults, and we think that they can make their own decisions about the people they date. A lot of sites claim to be open-minded about pansexuality, but when you start to fill out your dating preferences, you might see something like “I am a [man/woman] interested in dating a [man/woman].”

Well, that’s great if you’re a monogamous straight or gay person looking to meet someone with the same preferences, but that kind of question “others” just about everyone who doesn’t fall into the four categories of a gay or straight man or woman. 

On Zoosk, you are not limited to looking for matches among one gender. Instead of choosing a particular gender, just set your search so that it doesn’t specify them at all, and you will be able to view profiles that match your stated preference. 

What is a Pansexual Dating Site and App?

There are a few sites out there that cater specifically to pansexual dating. However, the memberships are small. Zoosk has over 40 million registered users. We recognize that not all of the members in your area will appeal to you. However, with a huge pool of potential matches, you have much better odds of finding someone who does. 

We also recognize that there is a lot of ignorance out there when it comes to pansexuality. We strictly prohibit bullying, harassment, and other hateful behavior. If you experience hostility about your pansexuality, report them, and we will take action up to and including removing the offending party from the platform. 

How to Use Our Pansexual Dating Site

Using Zoosk is easy for pansexuals. You can sign up for the basic version of our platform. Part of the signup process includes a highly accurate psychological quiz. This allows our algorithm to match compatible members. It’s based on your interests and relationship goals. 

You’ll also be asked to choose your preferences concerning age, gender, and geographic region. As a pansexual person, you may leave your gender options open, or you can change them if you decide that you’d prefer to connect with a specific type of person. These preferences are fluid, and you can change them anytime you like. 

It’s important for you to be as honest as you can in your profile’s narratives. We realize this can be difficult for pansexual people who are not really “out” and worry about family, friends, and coworkers discovering information about their personal lives. This is, of course, a private matter, and you should only disclose what you’re comfortable with. 

One of the things that pansexuals tend to love about Zoosk is how open other members are to dating pansexuals. Many of our members do not identify as pansexuals but are open to dating someone who is.  

Benefits of Using Zoosk for Pansexual Users

If you’re pansexual and have found that other dating sites don’t really work for your needs, try Zoosk. The advantages are numerous:

Inclusive Environment

Zoosk has a reputation as an inclusive app, which is by design. We want our members to match with people according to the criteria that they establish. This, of course, means that pansexuals are free to explore without fear of harassment from other members. We take complaints about harassment very seriously and cancel the accounts of members who fail to abide by our terms of service. 


Because we verify our members with a photo ID or via social media accounts and routinely cull our member base of inactive accounts, we are able to ensure safety and inclusivity for our active members. While no site is completely devoid of fake accounts, Zoosk is the best in class at identifying fake accounts or accounts being used by bad actors. 

Large Dating Pool

Zoosk boasts 40 million members worldwide. That means you are much more likely to find like-minded individuals who you’re compatible with in your area. If you are not limited by a single-gender parameter, you will have an even wider list of options. 

Algorithmic Matching 

Online dating can be overwhelming on some apps. While you’re free to explore members based on the criteria you set, our algorithm will suggest the most compatible singles that match your dating parameters. For instance, let’s say you live in a major urban center where there are tens of thousands of Zoosk members. It would be an overwhelming chore to try to sift through all of these profiles. Our algorithm will show you members who match your interests and relationship goals. Don’t worry; there will still be plenty of options to choose from. 

Free Basic Account

If you’re not sure about the Zoosk pansexual dating experience, sign up for a free membership. It will allow you to complete your psychological test, set up your profile, and explore singles in your area. If you decide that you like the platform, we recommend upgrading to a Premium account. Your profile will carry over, and it will unlock multiple features, including our app, so you can message your matches while you’re on the go. 

Tips for Creating a Successful Pansexual Dating Profile

There is a great deal of ignorance about pansexuality. You’ve probably heard them all before. Confusion about pansexuality and homosexuality, bisexuality, etc. People believing that pansexuality is promiscuity. There are too many others to mention, and frankly, these fallacies don’t deserve more space than we’ve already given them. We mention this because you may meet people who have no idea what you mean when you identify as pansexual. You have to decide whether or not it’s worth your time to clarify who you are and what you’re about in your profile. 

Having mentioned that, here are some general tips for pansexual dating on Zoosk. 

Decide Whether You Want to Identify as Pansexual in Your Profile

Zoosk does not require members to identify details about their sexuality. If you’re pansexual and it’s not common knowledge among your family and friends, you may want to consider the possibility that you can inadvertently be outed if someone finds your profile. 

If this is an issue, you can always disclose it once you make a match with someone. You can open with, “Hi, I don’t have this in my profile, but I’m pansexual. I don’t have it in my profile for personal reasons, but I wanted to be upfront about who I am.” Most people are not going to care, but this way, you maintain some control over your identity. 

On the other hand, if you are out, feel free to mention it in your profile. You may save yourself from matching with members who are looking for something else. 

Cast a Wide Net

This is particularly important if you’re looking for other pansexuals. According to a 2021 Gallup poll, only 7.1% of the population identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. An even smaller number are pansexual (about 2%). It just makes sense to give yourself more chances to meet someone in your area who shares your pansexuality.

Include Other Details About Your Life

Your sexuality is not your entire identity. Members are going to want to know about your likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, and more. Save some space to tell them about who you are and what you’re looking for. 

Include Several Recent Images

Members are going to want to know what you look like. Successful profiles have multiple, recent, unfiltered pictures. Everyone has their favorite picture of themselves, but if it’s more than a year or two old, you should probably leave it off your profile. If you’re not sure if your pictures are an accurate representation of yourself, ask a trusted friend. Try to include a headshot, a full-length image, and maybe a few of you participating in fun activities. 

Be Honest

It’s important to be as honest as you can in your profile, without sharing details that can put you at risk. Don’t mislead members about what you’re looking for. We have members who are looking for everything from friendship to marriage. If you want to meet someone who you’re compatible with, transparency is key. 

Zoosk Safety Tips for Using Pansexual Users 

We want all of our members to be as safe as possible, but we also recognize that pansexuals may be at increased risk. Use these dating tips to have a safe and rewarding dating experience

  • Never disclose your address, work address, or other personal information to someone you’ve just met online. 
  • Schedule a video call before agreeing to meet in person. Not only will this ensure that the person in the pictures is the individual you’ve been talking to, but it will save you from a catfishing encounter where your date turns out to be much older than their pictures indicate. 
  • Pick a safe, public place. There is safety and numbers. You may have to compromise on a meeting place, but you should never have to go anywhere you don’t feel comfortable. We recommend that you never invite someone over to your home or to their place for a first meeting. 
  • Use a safety person. Provide the details of your first meeting and the person you’re seeing to a friend. If your plan changes or you go to a second location, let them know. You should also check in when you arrive. 

Once you get to know a person that you’re interested in, you can gradually let them know more details about your life. In the beginning, however, it’s better to be cautious. 

Find Love With Zoosk

If you’re pansexual and looking for an inclusive site, Zoosk is the site for you. Find compatible singles in your area who share your views and passions. You can try Zoosk for free and sign up for a Premium plan later. 

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