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4 Dating Profile Tips that Make a Big Difference

A woman using these dating profile tips to update her online dating profile while she's in bed drinking coffee.

I may be married now, but once upon a time, I was an online dating force to be reckoned with. I online dated for a while, met a lot of great people, had some amazing conversations, and during that time I learned what works and what doesn’t, how to present myself, and what to say to get people’s attention on any dating app.

And though I could give you tons of advice about all the ins and outs of writing the perfect dating profile, instead, I decided to save you some time and get right to the important stuff.

Here are four dating profile tips that I discovered make a big difference. If you’re going to change anything about your profile, keep these things in mind:

1. Always use humor.
While I was dating, a lot of people would tell me I had the funniest profile ever, and it’s why they reached out to say hi. Using humor was the most reliable way to get people interested in me.

When someone is presented with several profiles to choose from, the person that makes them laugh will almost always have the biggest advantage. The ability to make someone laugh communicates that you’re fun to be around and that the first date won’t be painfully boring. But how do you actually get your sense of humor across in your profile?

Here’s an example of how I incorporated humor into my online dating profile:

I can’t seduce you by telling you that I box, skydive, or rock climb. However, I can run pretty fast, sometimes I rebel against the buckle up signs on airplanes, and I can successfully get up a mountain on a ski lift, so I think it balances things out.  

It’s nothing amazing but it’s playful and fun. And it shows way more personality than if I had just said I like to run, travel, and go skiing.

2. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
One of the reasons I tended to get a lot of attention on dating apps is because I had fun with the process. While writing my bio, I never tried to brag or create a portrait of some perfect guy. Instead, my profile was often silly and was more like what I was like in real life.

Here’s an example of me just having fun with my profile:

I’ll go from drinking whisky, playing sports, or doing whatever it is men do one day, to reading, writing my next book, or trying on heels the next. (Oh wait, I’m not supposed to admit that until after the third date am I? Whoops.)

In addition to me just having fun and being a little weird, I communicate that my interests are diverse. And that I’m not afraid to be different.

3. Offer more than laughter.
Adding humor and having fun in a profile is important. However, having a profile that only cracks jokes can backfire. An overabundance of humor can make people wonder if you take anything in your life seriously.

This is why my profile always balanced humor with statements that showcased my ambition and goals. The key is to do this in a subtle way that doesn’t come across as bragging.

Here’s an example:

When I’m not busy saving the world, I spend my days working towards new goals as an entrepreneur. I’ve always loved to take on new challenges and am motivated to reach my full potential. Running my own business allows me to actualize my dreams on a daily basis, a gift that never stops giving.

This statement not only demonstrates drive, but also shows that I’m content with my life and look forward to each day.

4. Show diverse sides of yourself.
There’s nothing worse than being in a relationship that devolves into little more than eating and watching television together. Most daters want to meet someone who is diverse and willing to try new things, who has passions and things they get excited of even argue about.

This doesn’t mean you have to like everything you try or do things you’re terrified of to impress someone. Just make it clear that you have a wide variety of interests, and are at least open to new ideas and experiences.

To give you an example this time, I’m not going to show you what I wrote but explain what my photos were like. My photo gallery had around 12 photos, with each photo telling a different story. One was with my dog, one was with family, one was hiking, one was at work, one was on vacation, etc. Each picture I posted tapped into a different aspects of my personality and showcased different interests. They weren’t just pictures I looked good in but pictures I looked, well, interesting in.

All these pictures added up to a visual slideshow that showcased a fun, diverse, and open-minded guy that people were jumping at the chance to date.

When putting together your profile, remember these four important tips. There are a lot of little things you can do, tweaks here and there that may help you catch someone’s eye. But, in my experience, by focusing on these four easy things, you can take a regular profile to the next level.

Joshua Pompey has been writing online dating profiles for customers all over the world since 2009.  For more information on his profile writing services browse his site: 
Profile Writing Services for Men
Profile Writing Services for Women 
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